What a woman needs during labour are the same things she needs in other times: Support Trust in her own abilities A willingness to respond to the moment and stay present in her experience Deep breathing A feeling that she is not alone navigating this new experience A vision of what this experience is bringing […]
2019 has already brought change. Before Christmas I took some time out to be quiet and reflect. This was honestly one of the best things I’ve done in the last many years and has been helpful on many levels. It wasn’t until I was quiet and able to see my thoughts and take time to […]
Resuming normal activities after embryo transfer
When IVF started in the 80’s, women were advised to take bed rest immediately after embryo transfer. What we now understand based on multiple studies and particularly one study published in a well-respected peer-review journal, Fertility and Sterility (Fertil Steril 2013; 100: 729-35), that there are better pregnancy rates with immediate resumption of normal activities compared to […]
Speaking of Calcium, time for some Nettle tea
Did you know that during pregnancy you need about 400 g more Calcium than usual? Most of this goes directly into the forming baby’s bones. Whereas our daily intake is usually around 1000 g, it is during such times as pregnancy, teenage years and during and after menopause that our intake of Calcium is especially […]
Miso love
In light of the recent article concerning the small percentage of cells in our body that are actually human – and 57% being made up of microscopic organisms let’s consider gut health. Or maybe we could say bacterial health. Looking at beneficial foods we can consider Miso, fermented soybean paste that is made into a […]
Oh the sinuses…
Sinusitis, either acute or chronic, can be trying for the sufferer. Inflamed sinuses can cause irritation, pain, swelling, loss of appetite, dizziness and nasal discharge. When we look at an acute infection this is usually in relation to allergies or infection and lasts for a relatively short, albeit unpleasant, period of time. Chronic sinusitis […]
Yoga for Pregnancy classes in Sligo
If you’re more than 14 weeks and would like to begin a Pregnancy Yoga class we’d love you to join us in the Radisson, Co Sligo. With over thirteen years experience in teaching Pregnancy Yoga, and as a mother of two, Lauren fully understands and appreciates the many changes a woman experiences during this time. […]
Men in Yoga
It’s never been a better time to join a yoga class. With increasing research demonstrating the many benefits of yoga , I’m happy to report more men of all ages joining our classes. Never tried yoga before? We currently have two suitable classes: Monday at 6 pm in the Radisson will offer you a gentler approach […]