2019 has already brought change. Before Christmas I took some time out to be quiet and reflect. This was honestly one of the best things I’ve done in the last many years and has been helpful on many levels. It wasn’t until I was quiet and able to see my thoughts and take time to feel the emotions I was holding that I realised how busy I had been. As someone who aims to offer a space of calm to others, I was confronted with a body and mind deeply in need of some of my own advice.
Busyness is a tricky thing, a deceptive thing, and something that most of us, in some form or another, have to continually evaluate. Sometimes the schedule that has worked for years is no longer suitable – or the way of being and relating with ourselves, our spouse, our children, our work needs an overhaul. To take any of it for granted as something that stays the same and will always be there is to fool ourselves. We live in a changing, dynamic field of life that is always open to reevaluation and recreation. And aren’t we lucky!
What came out of my time was a sense that if I’m going to continue offering the care that I wish to convey though classes and treatments that I give to others, then I need to better nourish myself.
As a result of this reevaluation, my beloved Factory class on Tuesdays has been let go. I must say it was like a very hard break up for me as some students have been coming to my classes since I began teaching in this area almost 15 years ago. A student -teacher relationship is such a beautiful thing and something that I hold precious and an honour to be a part of- in whatever form. Many of the students have taught me an immense amount, have opened me up, have challenged me in their own way, have offered inspiration and together we have shared many, many laughs.
Since stopping I’ve received some of the sweetest messages. And what makes me very happy is to hear of some who’ve found other classes that challenge them, or offer something new. Some who had been holding Tuesday night for our class but had also wanted to explore other prospects that also lay on the same night and now they’re free to see what’s next for them. It may not all be roses but this little shift I hope, in some small way, also offers the opportunity for change and growth for everyone involved.
I spent the evening at home last night, Tuesday evening, thinking of my students at 6:30 pm with a little heartache. And then I did yoga with my son, and then my daughter joined in (and then my daughter tied my son to the radiator and then it became a completely different thing!! :-)) but it was perfect. It’s not always easy to go out to work as a mother who is needed at home, as much as we love what we do. Last night I was able to tell my kids that I would stay at home with them, which was the medicine we all needed.
So for all of us, here’s to opening to new possibilities, to being brave when we feel like a change is coming and necessary for our growth. Here’s to offering ourselves kindness in these transitions, knowing we may also be offering others a situation to find what they need as well. Here’s to being in the moment, letting it feel new again. One of my students phrased it well “I will miss you hugely but fully understand how we have to change our lives to live our lives within the circumstances as they evolve.” I don’t think I could have said it better myself.
Fantastic Lauren, written so beautifully, one can hear the wisdom, truth and flow of this article. Well done you!! Best wishes in all you do. 🙂
Such honesty Lauren. I commend, and admire you.
I too am on that same transition on that ever evolving journey that is life. Taking silent time has allowed me to come out of my head and into my heart..A place of great wisdom..A homemaker is my space for now. Love and best wishes