What should I expect from my first Acupuncture session?
To begin your first Acupuncture session, we start with a short consultation. Here, we look at information pertinent to your present condition; including lifestyle, and relevant medical history – as well as addressing any questions you may have. All information is confidential. If you are on any medication that is not written on your form, it’s important for this to be disclosed at this time.
If Acupuncture is right for you we will proceed with your first treatment.
After a pulse and tongue examination, you’ll relax on the treatment couch. Working with the breath, very fine needles are inserted and retained for approximately 30 minutes. Depending on your condition I will either incorporate pressure points on the scalp after the needles are in place or you may enjoy gentle Reflexology at the end of the session. It is not uncommon for the patient to fall asleep or report feeling deeply relaxed after a session. It’s always a pleasure to watch an apprehensive new patient become a very relaxed, and often enthusiastic patient.
How should I prepare?
Wearing loose and comfortable clothing is helpful for your Acupuncture session. Additionally, a blanket is provided to keep you warm and covered during your treatment should we need to access arms, legs, abdomen or back. It’s important to come hydrated, and not too full or not too hungry. Generally speaking a light snack 30 minutes prior to the session or a larger meal a few hours prior will be sufficient. We want your body to be nourished as to not feel light headed, and also want to make sure you don’t need all of your energy for digestion. Additionally, not drinking coffee directly before your session will help you to feel settled, and will allow for an accurate pulse diagnosis.
When appropriate we use Moxa -or compressed Mugwort- that warms the points and meridians. We may also use cupping or a heat lamp, especially when muscular tension is present. All of these treatments are standard and commonly used within Acupuncture clinics worldwide. Electroacupuncture may also be used to enhance the effect of the treatment. More information on these treatments can be found here. Should you have a question feel free to ask.
How much does it cost?
- Initial consultation and treatment €75 euro
- Subsequent treatments €70 euro
After a series of treatments over six weeks for an ongoing lung condition, I have experienced an improvement in my overall sense of well being. My lungs are quieter, less coughing and phlegm. I have more energy, and most surprising is a renewed zest for life, which I hadn’t realised was so depleted!
~M. o’B
*Lauren is a full member of the Acupuncture Foundation Professional Association. All treatments are approved by (and often refunded by) VHI, HIBERNIAN, HSF and LAYA healthcare. Please contact your insurer for details of your policy.
Curious for a little more information? The following link offers a few more perspectives.