Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM utilises various therapies to improve a patient’s wellbeing. Within the framework of booking an Acupuncture session, we may use any or all of the below modalities. When necessary, I equip patients with stretches, breathing techniques, dietary adjustments and other lifestyle changes that can be put into practice between sessions to improve your overall health.
Chinese Herbology
Chinese Herbology is as old as Acupuncture itself and some would say even older. The use of specific medicinal formulas has been evolving and changing over thousands of years. In China, internal medical concerns are treated with herbs and it is assumed that as an Acupuncturist you have also studied the intricate working of Chinese herbs. Formula prescriptions are precise, based on the patient’s presenting symptoms. The herbs we use in our clinic are safe, fully tested and guaranteed to be free of toxic substances or banned material.
Cupping, like Acupuncture, has also been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. This therapy has also been practiced in Greece, Tibet, India, Mexico and many other countries around the world. Cupping is an often very relaxing and enjoyable treatment with a warm, comfortable and sometimes intense suction that releases deep tissue, stimulates the lymph system and also relieves stagnation in the body. As a result, pain and discomfort is minimized. Cupping is an excellent complement to Acupuncture when there is pain, stagnation, tight muscles or breathing difficulties.
Moxabustion -or “Moxa”- is made from Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris or Artemisia Argyii) and helps the flow of qi in the area that is being worked. Used as well to strengthen the quality of blood, this warming herb is a perfect compliment to our Irish climate. To use moxa we light the cone or stick to be used and either place the moxa securely on the end of the needle or hold one to two inches away from the body creating a pleasant, warming sensation in the body. Moxabustion is particularly helpful with areas of pain and stagnation, improving the flow and quality of blood as well as improving circulation to particular areas of the body. Moxa is also effective in helping babies who are breech or transverse to turn into an anterior, vertex position for birth.
Reflexology is used at the end of our Acupuncture sessions (unless otherwise requested). A perfect complement to Acupuncture and the above modalities, Reflexology aids the body in restoring a natural state of balance. Using appropriate pressure on specific areas of the feet, we additionally support the body in maintaining optimal health. Here we work with the premise that the organ systems are represented and can be accessed through the gently stimulating targeted areas of the feet.